Exploring File and Folder Structures: npx create-expo-app Variants

When starting a new React Native project using Expo, the command npx create-expo-app provides several options for initialization. These options generate different file and folder structures based on your project requirements. Understanding these structures is crucial for choosing the right approach for your development needs. In this blog, we’ll explore the structures created by the following variants:

  1. npx create-expo-app --template

  2. npx create-expo-app --example

  3. npx create-expo-app@latest <project-name>

1. npx create-expo-app --template

This command initializes a new Expo project using a predefined template. Templates are designed to provide a foundational structure tailored to specific use cases. They are ideal for developers who want to avoid setting up the basics manually, as these templates come pre-configured with essential files and settings.

File and Folder Structure:

  • node_modules/: Contains all the dependencies required by the project, ensuring that all necessary packages are installed for smooth operation.

  • assets/: Holds static assets like images and fonts, making it easy to organize and access resources.

  • App.js: The main entry point of the application. This file contains the root component, which is responsible for rendering the initial user interface.

  • package.json: Lists the project dependencies, scripts, and metadata such as the project name and version.

  • babel.config.js: Configuration file for Babel, a JavaScript compiler that ensures compatibility across different environments.

  • metro.config.js (optional): Configuration for Metro bundler, used in custom templates to optimize the build process.

  • .gitignore: Specifies files and directories to exclude from version control, helping to keep the repository clean.

  • npx create-expo-app --template→ Blank(Bare)

  • npx create-expo-app --template→ Bare

  • npx create-expo-app --template(tabs)

Use Cases:

  • When you want to quickly start a project with a predefined structure that suits common requirements.

  • Ideal for apps that don’t require extensive customization initially but need a reliable foundation.

Example Command:

npx create-expo-app MyApp --template

This command initializes a project named MyApp using the default template.

2. npx create-expo-app --example

This variant creates a project based on an example from Expo’s official repository or a third-party source. Examples are fully functional projects that demonstrate specific features or use cases, such as navigation, state management, or API integration.

File and Folder Structure:

  • node_modules/: Same as above, containing all dependencies required for the example to function properly.

  • assets/: Contains static files, specific to the example, such as placeholder images or pre-defined styles.

  • App.js or App.tsx: The entry point, customized for the example’s functionality, showcasing how certain features are implemented.

  • example-specific-files/: Additional folders or files unique to the example’s purpose, such as configuration files or additional components.

  • README.md: Provides documentation on the example’s purpose, setup instructions, and usage guidelines.

  • package.json: Includes dependencies and scripts tailored to the example project.

Use Cases:

  • When you need a head start with a specific feature or functionality, such as integrating navigation or setting up Redux for state management.

  • Ideal for learning and experimentation, as examples provide practical insights into implementing common patterns and solutions.

Example Command:

npx create-expo-app MyExampleApp --example with-navigation

This command creates a project named MyExampleApp using the with-navigation example, which demonstrates navigation setup.

3. npx create-expo-app@latest <project-name>

This command initializes a project using the latest stable version of the Expo CLI. It’s the best choice for developers who want to work with up-to-date tools and features while starting with a blank canvas.

File and Folder Structure:

  • node_modules/: Contains the latest dependencies, ensuring compatibility with the newest features.

  • assets/: Default folder for static resources, such as fonts and images, allowing easy customization.

  • App.js: Minimal entry point, often with a basic template that developers can expand upon.

  • package.json: Reflects the latest Expo dependencies and version information, ensuring the project is aligned with current standards.

  • babel.config.js: Babel configuration for the latest Expo version, ensuring compatibility with the latest JavaScript syntax.

  • eas.json (optional): If initialized with EAS (Expo Application Services), this file manages builds and deployments, streamlining the development workflow.

  • .gitignore: Specifies files to exclude from version control, similar to other variants.

Use Cases:

  • When you want the most up-to-date features and dependencies for your project.

  • Useful for projects where you prefer a blank canvas to implement custom requirements from scratch.

Example Command:

npx create-expo-app@latest MyLatestApp

This command initializes a new project named MyLatestApp using the latest Expo CLI version.

Key Differences Between Variants

PurposePredefined structureFeature-specific exampleLatest stable version
CustomizationModerateHighFull freedom
Use CaseGeneral projectsExperimentation, learningClean slate projects


Each variant of npx create-expo-app serves different purposes, catering to various stages and needs of app development. Whether you’re looking for a quick start with a template, experimenting with specific features, or working on a fresh project with the latest tools, these commands have you covered. By understanding the differences and choosing the right variant, you can streamline your development process and focus on building amazing React Native apps. Take the time to explore these options and find the best fit for your next project. Happy coding!